Saturday 6 July 07:30 - 09:00
Saturday 5 October 07:30 - 09:00

Early Bird - Special


Beginning: 07:30

End: 09:00

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2 dates
from Saturday, 6 July 2024
to Saturday, 5 October 2024


Historic town of Merano, meeting point: at the Sissi statue in Elisabeth Park
Merano Tourist Office,
+39 0473 272000,
More information about:


As the day opens its eyes and the city shakes off sleep, it is time for Early Bird. The tranquillity of the moment stimulates awareness. In an informal atmosphere and in the company of those who know how an essential approach to nature can make us feel better, we take part in a movement session for body and soul.

06.07. Monika Callegaro - Voice, walk with me
05.10. Mindfulness with Yoga Shiatsu Zentrum Merano

The walk is in Italian and German language free of charge.

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