Juval ED P
Juval ED P

Museums and exhibitions

Merano has numerous interesting museums of various kinds to offer - so that you won’t get bored even on rainy days

Numerous museums sweeten your holidays in Merano and surroundings and render even rainy days in your holidays a special experience. There is something for every taste - visit the Touriseum, the Museum of Women or come and see the museum ArcheoParc Val Senales. Fun and action is also provided in the adventure Mining Museum Monteneve in Val Passiria.

Action-packed museum visits are guaranteed!

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  1. Pfistradalm

    Alp museum Pfistrad

    This alp museum in Val Passiria perfectly complements the offer of MuseumPasseier.
  2. Stadtmuseum Meran

    Merano Municipal Museum

    The Merano Municipal Museum, also known as Palais Mamming Museum, is one of the…
  3. FG archeoparc Schnalstal

    ArcheoParc Val Senales

    The ArcheoParc, located in Madonna di Senales, takes you back in time into the age…
  4. bauernmuseum

    Foiana Museum of Farm Life

    The two-storey Museum of Farm Life in Foiana enriches the area of Merano and surroundings.
  5. bunker mooseum moss in passeier

    Bunker Mooseum

    A bunker in Moso in Passiria, part of the MuseumPasseier, indicates protective…
  6. blick richtung timmelsjoch schneeberg

    Mining Museum Monteneve

    Drives, mineworkers and veins of silver - explore the Mining Museum Monteneve at…
  7. Meran Frauenmuseum

    Museum of Women

    In the Merano Women’s Museum you can admire feminine ideals, the roles of women and…
  8. Pfander Alm Malga Pfandler

    Historical site Malga Pfandler

    This alpine hut, part of the MuseumPasseier, was the refuge for the freedom fighter…
  9. Meran juedisches Museum

    Jewish Museum and synagogue

    The Jewish Museum and synagogue tells about the Jewish community in Merano.
  10. RS altstadt meran

    Kunst Meran - Merano Arte

    In the beautiful old town of Merano there’s a house for contemporary art, which is…
  11. Schloss Juval

    MMM Juval

    On a mountain ridge between Val Venosta and Val Senales, there is the MMM Juval,…
  12. Culten

    Museum Culten

    In 2018, a very particular museum was opened in the Val d’Ultimo valley: the…
  13. meran landesfuerstliche burg

    Prince's Castle Museum

    Of princes, historical arms and life in late medieval times - the Prince’s Castle…
  14. museum passeier st leonhard


    This museum is accommodated in the Sandhof, the birthplace and residence of Andreas…
  15. partschins mitterhofer schreibmachinen museum

    Typewriter museum "Peter Mitterhofer"

    In the Typewriter museum “Peter Mitterhofer” in Parcines you can see various…
  16. schlosstirol

    South Tyrolean Cultural History Museum

    The South Tyrolean Museum for Cultural History is located at Tirolo Castle close to…
  17. suedtiroler obstbaumuseum niederlana

    South Tyrolean Fruit Growing Museum

    Lana near Merano is one of the oldest fruit growing villages of South Tyrol.
  18. meran touriseum


    The Touriseum, the South Tyrolean Museum of Tourism, is located at Trauttmansdoff Castle.
  19. Talmuseum

    Val d'Ultimo folklore museum

    At S. Nicolò in Val d’Ultimo there is a folklore museum providing information about…

Suggested accommodations

  1. Feldhof DolceVita Resort
    Feldhof DolceVita Resort - Feldhof Dolce Vita Resort

    Feldhof DolceVita Resort

Tips and more infos