Sunday 7 July 19:00 - 23:00

Creedance Clearwater Revived


Beginning: 19:00

End: 23:00

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Lagundo village, fairground
Showtime Agency,
tel. +39 0473 270256,

Attention! Reservation needed.

More information about:


Creedence Clearwater Revived feat. the "legendary" Johnny "Guitar" Williamson
& Special Guest: Santoni Family

The Santoni Family from South Tyrol will open the Creedence Clearwater Revived concert as special guests on 7 July 2024. Santoni Family: The three-piece family band will delight you with their programme of country rock and pop classics from the 60s and 70s as well as their own current songs. Lena impresses with her extraordinary voice and gives you goosebumps.

"The Legend of Woodstock":
Woodstock legend Creedence Clearwater Revival was considered one of the most successful bands in the world in the late 60s and early 70s. With hits such as Suzie Q., Proud Mary, Bad Moon Rising, Who'll Stop the Rain, Hey Tonight, Have You Ever Seen the Rain and many more, Creedence Clearwater Revived featuring Johnny Guitar Williamson have been touring all over Europe again in recent years.

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