Thursday 20 June 21:00
Thursday 27 June 21:00
Thursday 4 July 21:00
Thursday 11 July 21:00
Thursday 18 July 21:00

Tirolo Castle Soirées at Tyrol Castle


Beginning: 21:00

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5 dates
from Thursday, 20 June 2024
to Thursday, 18 July 2024

This event already took place.


Tirolo village, Tyrol Castle
Tourist office Tirolo,
phone +39 0473 923314,

Attention! Reservation needed.

More information about:
Tirolo Castle


The Soirées at Tyrol Castle are held every year in June and July, on five Thursdays. Top international ensembles give impressive concerts in the Great Hall of Tyrol Castle, presenting music from different countries and cultures. During the interval you will be able to taste some culinary specialities, prepared according to original medieval recipes. After the concert you can look forward to the next highlight: The walk back to the centre of the village will be illuminated by more than a hundred torches.

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