Wednesday 14 August 09:30
Wednesday 28 August 09:30

The Alpine Marmot


Beginning: 09:30

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2 dates
from Wednesday, 14 August 2024
to Wednesday, 28 August 2024


Santa Gertrude, lahnersäge Visitor Centre
Lahnersäge Visitor Centre,
+39 0473 798123,

Attention! Reservation needed.

More information about:


Find out how the marmots live and survive in their natural habitat.
Observe a colony of marmots at work in the National Park, as they scurry about their activities.

Equipment|Mountain shoes, weatherproof jacket, drinks, backpack
Walking time|± 5 h
Price| 5€
difference in hight| ± 490 HM
Tour length| ± 9,5 km
Stop for lunch at the Kirchbergalm

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