Sunday 31 March 20:00 - 21:00

Easter concert by the Foiana band


Beginning: 20:00

End: 21:00

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Foiana, Cultural Hall
Banda musicale di Foiana
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Albula - Oscar Tschuor
Nabucco - Giuseppe Verdi
Pagina D'Album
Solitin: Jana Sophie Gruber - Michele Mangani
Adebar's Journey - Markus Götz
Montana March - Music and arranged by Heinz Herrmannsdörfer
Jesus Christ Superstar - LLOYD Webber - arr. Willy Hautvast
Game of Thrones - Ramin Djawadi and Georg R.R.Martin arranged: Jay Bocook
80s cult(tour) medley - arranged: Thiemo Kraas

Conductor: Sigmund Hofer
Chairman: Andreas Federspiel
Speaker: Thomas Prünster
Vocals: Veronika Prünster Pircher
Helmut Prünster
Katrin Lochman Rogl

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