felixer weiher tretsee
felixer weiher tretsee

Hike to the Lago di Tret lake

This walking tour from San Felice in the Alta Val di Non valley to the Lago di Tret lake is suited for everybody

Lake Tret – also called Lake Santa Maria – is located in the Alps of the Val di Non valley, at the point where South Tyrol and the Italian-speaking Trentino meet. Starting point of our walk is the Klamm Parking Space above San Felice (St. Felix). There are several possibilities to reach the lake. We take the short route which leads us along a wide gravel road within about 45 minutes to our destination. The road proceeds through the forest and across larch meadows, by the wayside we watch various forest flowers and many butterflies.

Arrived at the lake, we visit the Waldruhe tavern which is famous for its excellent desserts. After this perfect decision we have to burn calories. So we walk around the beautiful natural lake, fishes, dragonflies, aquatic plants and a small island make Lake Tret one of the most beautiful forest nature lakes of South Tyrol. By the way, also swimming and fishing (with permission) is possible!

We want to extend our way back to San Felice a bit, so we take the route via the Malga San Felice mountain hut (1,613 m a.s.l.). After about one hour walk we have arrived at our starting point again and take all the beautiful impressions of the gorgeous nature with the green forest lake back home.

Author: AT

stroller-friendly alpine pasture hike circular route difficulty: easy
  • Starting point:
    San Felice, Klamm parking
  • Time required:
    02:00 h
  • Track length:
    5,7 km
  • Altitude:
    from 1.400 m to 1.645 m
  • Altitude difference:
    +251 m | -251 m
  • Signposts:
    no. 9, 512, 50 (to Malga S. Felice), 9
  • Destination:
    Lake Tret / Felixer Weiher
  • Resting points:
    Gasthof Waldruhe, Felixer Alm / Malga San Felice
  • Recommended time of year:
    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  • Download GPX track:
    Hike to the Lago di Tret lake

If you want to do this hike, we suggest you to check the weather and trail conditions in advance and on site before setting out.

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