ultner hoefeweg bei kuppelwies pferde
ultner hoefeweg bei kuppelwies pferde

Walking along the Val d’Ultimo Farm Path

This path in the Val d’Ultimo valley across historic farms is interesting both from a cultural and scenic point of view

Well-marked and some 100 m above the valley basin, the so-called "Ultner Höfeweg" (Val d'Ultimo Farm Path) snakes its way through the Val d'Ultimo. Follow the road in Pracupola to the signs "Ultner Höfeweg". Starting from Lake Zoccolo in Pracupola, the path proceeds into the valley on the sunny side and back on the shady side. Numerous historic and traditional farms with typical shingle roofs line the path. Really amazing!

While walking you can admire characteristic wooden fences and moss-covered stone walls. Further on you pass the Val d'Ultimo folklore museum, providing an insight into customs and traditions of the valley.

The way back leads along the opposite side of the valley, past the ancient larches at S. Gertrude at 1,430 m a.s.l. The trail continues a little up and down past S. Nicolò, and partly on forest paths you return to the starting point. The way back can also be done by bus.

Please note: we recommend to schedule the whole day if you would like to walk the whole path, as of course you have to make a stop at one of the taverns or at the Val d’Ultimo Folklore Museum.

suited for families circular route difficulty: moderate
  • Starting point:
    Pracupola / Kuppelwies
  • Time required:
    05:00 h
  • Track length:
    17,2 km
  • Altitude:
    from 1.140 m to 1.463 m
  • Altitude difference:
    +388 m | -388 m
  • Signposts:
    Höfeweg / sentiero dei masi
  • Destination:
    S. Geltrude / St. Gertraud
  • Resting points:
    Mesner, Jausenstation Urlärchen, Lärchengarten
  • Recommended time of year:
    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  • Download GPX track:
    Walking along the Val d’Ultimo Farm Path

If you want to do this hike, we suggest you to check the weather and trail conditions in advance and on site before setting out.

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