Klettergarten Montiggl
Klettergarten Montiggl

Climbing crags

In Merano and surroundings as well as in Val Venosta, climbers are spoilt for choice. There are climbing crags for every level and taste

If you love vertical sports, Merano and surroundings for sure are the right place for you. Due to the fact that winter is milder than in other areas and that spring starts earlier, the prerequisites for climbing are really good.

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  1. klettergarten at

    Burgstollknott - Parcines

    8 routes up to 5a, 10 routes up to 6a, 12 routes up to 6c, 3 routes up to 7b
  2. klettergarten jo

    Boulder area Lagundo

    F - easy fb 4/5+, M - medium fb 6a/6b, D - difficult fb 6c/7a, MD - very difficult…
  3. Klettergarten jo


    2 routes up to 5a, 4 routes up to 6a, 4 routes up to 6c, 3 routes up to 7b, 2…
  4. klettergarten jo


    2 routes up to 6a, 9 routes up to 6c, 3 routes up to 7b
  5. Klettergarten mc

    Bergkristall - Plan

    8 routes up to 5a, 12 routes up to 6a, 16 routes up to 6c, 7 routes up to 7b and 3…
  6. Klettergarten mc

    Fragsburg Sektor Platten

    2 routes uo to 5a, 14 routes up to 6a, 11 routes up to 6c, 1 routes up to 7b
  7. Klettergarten mc

    New Fragsburg

    2 routes up to 5a, 2 routes up to 6a, 2 routes up to 6c, 12 routes up to 7b, 7…
  8. klettergarten jo

    Tisner Auen-Gargazzone

    1 routes up to 5a, 4 routes up to 6a, 4 routes up to 6c, routes up to 7b, 2 routes…
  9. Klettergarten jo

    More climbing crags

    Also in the nearer surroundings of Merano, e.g. in the Val Venosta, there are…
  10. AT Klettern


    About 60 routes from 4 to 8a.

Suggested accommodations

  1. Feldhof DolceVita Resort
    Feldhof DolceVita Resort - Feldhof Dolce Vita Resort

    Feldhof DolceVita Resort

  2. Residence Kronenwirt
    Residence Kronenwirt

    Residence Kronenwirt

Tips and more infos