Meraner Hoehenweg nord etappe
Meraner Hoehenweg nord etappe

Alta Via di Merano Casera di Fuori - Passo Gelato

This impressive 8th stage of the northern Alta Via di Merano leads across the 2,879 m high Passo Gelato

We start our tour at Casera di Fuori, an idyllic alpine pasture at 1,700 m a.s.l., and follow trail no. 24 (and A8) towards the upper Val di Fosse. Having passed the Rableid alpine pasture (2,004 m a.s.l.) we follow a broad hiking trail to the Eishof farm (Maso Gelato, 2,081 m a.s.l.), which lies about 2 km away. On our left we enjoy the beautiful panorama of the mountains of the Val Senales, whereas on our right there are the high peaks of the Tessa mountain group and behind us the famous Similaun Glacier (3,599 m a.s.l.).

Having passed the Eishof farm we continue our tour towards the upper Val di Fosse and enjoy the impressive view on the Altissima (3,482 m a.s.l.) at the end of it. The broad hiking path leads us through a small larch forest before it transforms itself into a narrower and steeper trail. We cross the small Val di Fosse stream several times and pass some small waterfalls, enjoying the warming sun and the silent and idyllic nature around us. Soon we reach a signpost, which leads us up on a stony trail to Passo Gelato (Eisjöchl) at 2,879 m a.s.l., while we enjoy the view of the mountains Cima Bianca Grande and Cima Bianca Piccola on our right.

The last section is rather steep and difficult. However, arrived at the highest point, we enjoy a beautiful view towards north-east. Right in front of us we see Rifugio Petrarca all'Altissima and its beautiful emerald green mountain lake, on our left the Altissima (3,481 m a.s.l.) and behind us the beautiful Val di Fosse. We walk down to the mountain hut at 2,875 m a.s.l., where we enjoy a tasty lunch.

Please note: the asphalted road leads until Casera di Fuori (parking space subject to a charge). Recommended season is from early summer until autumn (when the golden larch forests and snow-capped peaks of the surrounding mountains make this tour particularly fascinating, provided that the trails are empty of snow).

difficulty: moderate multiday route stage
  • Starting point:
    Casera di Fuori / Vorderkaser
  • Time required:
    04:30 h
  • Track length:
    11,8 km
  • Altitude:
    from 1.701 m to 2.893 m
  • Altitude difference:
    +1212 m | -31 m
  • Route:
    Casera di Fuori - Casera di Mezzo - Rableid alpine pasture - Eishof farm/Maso Gelato - Passo Gelato - Rifugio Petrarca
  • Signposts:
    no. 24 (Alta Via di Merano)
  • Destination:
    Rifugio Francesco Petrarca / Stettiner Hütte
  • Resting points:
    Malga Mitterkaser Casera di mezzo, Malga Rableid, Maso Gelato (Eishof), Rifugio Petrarca
  • Recommended time of year:
    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  • Download GPX track:
    Alta Via di Merano Casera di Fuori - Passo Gelato

If you want to do this hike, we suggest you to check the weather and trail conditions in advance and on site before setting out.

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Suggested accommodations

  1. Park Hotel Villa Etschland
    Park Hotel Villa Etschland

    Park Hotel Villa Etschland

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