Tschars Schnalser Waalweg
Tschars Schnalser Waalweg

Ciardes and Stava Waalweg paths

This hike takes from the idyllic little village of Ciardes to the foot of Juval Castle, high above Naturno

On a sunny April day, we set off for Val Venosta to take a short hike along the famous Waalwege, the irrigation channel trails. Characteristic of this region, they were built centuries ago by farmers to irrigate their fields during dry periods, diverting water from the streams of the higher valleys.

We leave the car in the center of Ciardes and, following the signpost no. 1A, we reach in about 20 minutes the beginning of the Ciardes Waalweg (no. 3), a section of the long Val Senales Waalweg trail. The water flows beside us, while we admire the canals, partly carved by hand into the rock. The path climbs gently up to the Sonnenhof farm, at the foot of Juval Castle.

Here we decide to take a break and enjoy the sun on the terrace. We could go up in 15 minutes to Juval Castle, Reinhold Messner's summer residence and home to one of his Messner Mountain Museums, but we prefer to continue along the irrigation channel trails.

Beyond the refreshment point, the path continues towards the Staben Waalweg, a now disused irrigation channel. This path runs almost parallel, a little below the Ciardes Waalweg, and takes us back to our starting point.

Author: ED

Note: Attention should be paid to two points where it's quite easy to take the wrong path.

  1. At the entrance to the Tscharser Schnalswaalweg, about 15-20 minutes' walk from the starting point: After the hairpin bend at the level of the villa at Garl Street 4, keep to the right and leave the paved road.

  2. At the level of the Hofschank Sonnenhof: Pass the Sonnenhof, taking care not to continue on the left on path nr. 1 or no. 3.

suited for families circular route difficulty: moderate
  • Starting point:
  • Time required:
    02:30 h
  • Track length:
    7,3 km
  • Altitude:
    from 621 m to 836 m
  • Altitude difference:
    +225 m | -225 m
  • Route:
    Ciardes - Ciardes Waalweg path - Juval Castle - Stava Waalweg path - Ciardes
  • Signposts:
    nr. 1A, 3, 1, 1A
  • Resting points:
  • Recommended time of year:
    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  • Download GPX track:
    Ciardes and Stava Waalweg paths

If you want to do this hike, we suggest you to check the weather and trail conditions in advance and on site before setting out.

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